Water Harvesting
Brook is a water harvester, business owner and educator who helps San Diegans save water in their homes and landscapes.
In the interview, learn more about water harvesting and how to save water in your home.
How to harvest water (and save water!):
- Look up Brook’s companies, Catching H20 and H2OME
- Take a class on water harvesting or get a consultation (if you’re in San Diego, check out Brook’s website)
- Learn more about water harvesting through Art Ludwig’s website
- Read Brad Lancaster’s book Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and check out his website to learn about water harvesting
- Get involved with Greywater Action to support a sustainable water culture
- Watch Cycle of Insanity from Surfrider
- Find water harvesting classes through San Diego Sustainable Living Institute
- Discover water harvesting basics on the Water Use It Wisely website
- Take the quiz to find your water footprint (or use this more simple water calculator)
- Observe how water flows on your property
- Be mindful of water use around your home and find ways to reduce your use
- Find ways to use less water. Examples: turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, take shorter showers, put a bucket in your shower as it’s heating up and use that water in your garden.
Brook and Catching H20/H2OME
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Photo credit: Catching H20/H2OME
Podcast music credit: Blue Dot Sessions