Eco-Wellness,  Zero Waste

Ways to Get Creative with What You Already Have at Home

There are so many reasons for us to get creative right now, from helping to calm our nerves to opening our minds to new ways of thinking. Usually when we think, “I’m gonna get crafty,” we’re ready to go out shopping for all the craft supplies. Obviously, that’s not the best thing to do right now and we should not make any unnecessary trips.

Luckily, there are so many ways to get crafty with what we already have at home. That’s what getting creative is all about, right?! If you’re ready to get your creative juices flowing and enjoy the much needed benefits of using your noggin in new ways, here are some ideas on how to get creative with what you already have at your disposable.

Material Ideas: cracker boxes, cereal boxes, Amazon boxes, other delivery boxes
  • Craft Ideas: create a vision board, do a collage, sketch, make a shadow box, create a diorama, Marie Kondo your dresser drawers, make postcards
Plastic Tub or Cup
Material Ideas: yogurt cups, sour cream containers, Starbucks cups, old cosmetic containers, take out containers

Craft Ideas: make a storage container for your bathroom, organize your junk drawer, create a wish box, create a memory container, make PlayDoh from scratch, drill holes on the bottom and create a planter

Glass Container
Material Ideas: olive jars, pasta sauce jars, glass deodorant jars, mason jars
  • Craft Ideas: make toothpaste, make a memory jar, make lotion, make a new habit jar, utilize as a storage container for your craft supplies, organize your bathroom products, prep and store meals for the week
Material Ideas: scratch paper, old envelopes, notebook paper, old letters or print outs, old newspaper or magazines, postcards, junk mail
  • Craft Ideas: make your own hanging decorations, sketch, list your dreams for the future, craft the perfect paper airplane, list all the online resources you’ve found to learn virtually, art journal, make a snowflake, experiment with blackout poetry, collage, practice your origami, create a zine
Old Clothes
Material Ideas: old T-shirts, old pillow cases, old rags, torn clothes, old/worn clothes that shouldn’t be donated
  • Craft Ideas: create a lavender satchel, make makeup remover pads, create new rags to disinfect surfaces, make leg warmers, DIY your own face mask, practice your sewing techniques, learn embroidery