Monthly Theme

Start Composting

Monthly challenge to live a more eco-conscious and sustainable life.

Start Composting This Month

Three Actions

  • Explore compost options
  • Make a list of what you need to get started
  • Start!

Fall is the perfect time to start composting. An important step to get started is to explore your composting options. You may have an idea of what you want to do, or have no clue and feel limited by your situation. Composting options are expanding in many communities, so there are likely a few options to try. Cities are adopting zero waste plans and adding city-wide organics collection. Community composting groups are popping up in more and more places. Colleges are offering organic bins around campus for students (and anyone who visits). There are even many free and affordable composting workshops available to teach home composting skills.

Do a simple search for composting and your city or county, and see what pops up. Learn more about the options available to you and think about what option is the most sustainable for your life and situation. If you have no yard space but are dying to see the composting process firsthand, try vermicomposting. If you hate dirt and your city has an organics recycling program, utilize this resource. If you love your nearby community garden and they offer a compost drop-off option, take advantage of the program.

Decide the best option for you and make a list to get started. Do you need a vessel to collect your food waste? Do you want to take a free workshop at your local botanic garden? Do you need compostable bags? Do you need a compost bin? Decide what you need to start and make a timeline to acquire it.

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